Chung Hwa Pulp

Company Profile

Chung Hwa Pulp Corp. was established in 1968. The company merged with the paper and cardboard department of YFY in October 2012 to achieve vertical integration of the lumber, pulp, and manufacturing processes. Both sides will rely on technological transformations in the development of paper for special purposes with high added-value and initiate the use of different compounds to create operational synergies. Chung Hwa Pulp has received international eco-certifications including FSC™ COC Certification (License Code:FSCTM -C016878, FSCTM-C012657, FSCTM-C118028), PEFC™ Certification, and Carbon Footprint Verification. The company strives to honor its commitment to sustainable development strategies and upholds the four major principles of “Improving material utilization”, “Integrating technology and tradition”, “Re-evolution of product diversification”, and “Ecological restoration and education” as part of its sustainable development vision.

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