Material Information


Announced by YFY Inc. on behalf of YFY Development Corp. for the change of its representative director

1.Date of occurrence of the change:2022/01/28
2.Name of legal person: YFY Inc.
3.Name of the previous position holder: Willie Tsai
4.Resume of the previous position holder: President, YFY Inc.
5.Name of the new position holder: David Lo
6.Resume of the new position holder: Managing Director, UBS Taipei Branch
7.Reason for the change: :Reappointment
8.Original term (from __________ to __________):2021/06/25~2024/06/24
9.Effective date of the new appointment:2022/02/07
10.Any other matters that need to be specified: None

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  • M.O.P.S Company code:1907