1.Approved by resolution of the board of directors or shareholders meeting
(please enter: “board of directors” or “shareholders meeting”):
Board of Directors
2.Date of the resolution:2023/09/06
3.Reason for the resolution to increase the no.of held companies, name,
industry, and shareholding ratio of the held companies:
Reason: Establish a new company to enhance the business development
Name of the company: Arizon Technology (Vietnam) Co., Ltd. (Upon the approval of the local
registration authority)
Industry: Design and distribution of RFID and related assemblies, as well
as smart identification systems and reception antennas.
Shareholding Ratios: The company is 100% held by subsidiary Arizon RFID
Technology (Cayman) Co., Ltd.
4.Reason for the resolution to decrease the no.of held companies, name,
industry, and shareholding ratio of the held companies:N/A
5.No.of held companies as of the current date:103
6.Any other matters that need to be specified:
The aforementioned resolution date is the date of the Directors’ Meeting
of Arizon RFID Technology (Cayman) Co., Ltd.