Material Information


Announced by YFY Inc. on behalf of Willpower Industries Limited for the change of its director

1.Date of occurrence of the change:2024/04/11
2.Elected or changed position (Please enter institutional director,
institutional supervisor, independent director, natural-person director or
natural-person supervisor):Natural-person director
3.Title and name of the previous position holder:
Ryan Chang / Director
4.Resume of the previous position holder:
Director, Willpower Industries Limited
5.Title and name of the new position holder:
Lydia Ho/ Assistant Vice President
6.Resume of the new position holder:
Assistant Vice President, Financial and Accounting Department,
YFY Packaging Inc.
7.Circumstances of change (Please enter “resignation”, “dismissal”,
“term expired”, “death” or “new appointment”):Resignation
8.Reason for the change:Resignation
9.Number of shares held by the new position holder when elected:0 shares
10.Original term (from __________ to __________): Not applicable
11.Effective date of the new appointment:2024/04/11
12.Turnover rate of directors of the same term:Not applicable
13.Turnover rate of independent directors of the same term:Not applicable
14.Turnover rate of supervisors of the same term:Not applicable
15.Change in one-third or more of directors (Please enter “Yes” or
16.Any other matters that need to be specified (the information disclosure
also meets the requirements of Article 7, subparagraph 6 of the Securities
and Exchange Act Enforcement Rules, which brings forth a significant impact
on shareholders rights or the price of the securities on public companies.):

  • For more information please click here:
  • M.O.P.S Company code:1907